This is an introductory class on the significance and power of Angel Tuning Forks. As you begin your practice and engage with more angelic energies you will begin to change your “energetic reputation”. Energy has intelligence and it knows who you are based on what dimensions you have worked in and where you are willing to venture.
The teachings of these forks are very different to the other training you may have been taught by Reiki or other modalities. It is a teaching of a higher order and thus will have a different path and understanding of what it is you are doing to the people they send you.
This will be mostly used for the very young and the elderly. Children have just come from spirit and they will connect to these frequencies especially the Heaven fork. The Elderly that are in a down and depleting state will help them prepare for the transition coming up.
These are great for hospital visits and can be used for Distance Tuning as well. The power of the forks will in time speak to you and the chakra or auric fields you are working on.
For those students that have a busy schedule and find it difficult to set aside time to do the in-person class on-line we have set this class up so it is a home study. When you sign up we will send you the Angel Tuning Manual and a link to the entire class on video so you can do it any time at your convenience and even spread the training over a few days as it is a long course. It is perfect if you are busy but want the training on your terms.
This class is available to register anytime and you can train yourself at your own speed. When you have gone through the entire training let us know when you have done your first 5 Angel Tunings to get your certificate.
Enjoy the class!