About Us
Our mission is to re-discover the self-empowerment of the mind, body and spirit to one’s natural potential to a global audience. In short … we want to help you find out who you really are so you can shine.
Master Tuning Fork Specialist: Tony Gyenis
Tony pursued a formal education in Feng Shui, with the intention to share what he learned with others, spreading prosperity. This pursuit then led him to learn other crafts, such as Vibrational Healing Sound Therapy, Angel Therapy, and Mediumship with Doreen Virtue. Today he is the only Tuning Fork Master Teacher in Canada to teach under SomaEnergetics and believes that self-empowerment is our natural state.
Medium & Spirit Coach:
Susanne Shields
When Susanne was young, she connected to Spirit very naturally. As she grew up she realized that others did not see or hear the energies that spoke to her, and out of fear of being ostracized, she asked Spirit to leave her be. Though the voices and visions subsided, they never fully went away, and she went on in life keeping her abilities silent.
Meeting Tony and having him tune her propelled Susanne into a rapid spiritual awakening, and solidified the bond they share now. Susanne has come to understand the depth of her connection to Spirit, and how to utilize it to help others, by delivering the messages and wisdom they need to grow.
Are you ready to raise your spirits and discover spiritual self-empowerment!
Join us and take the next step on your spiritual journey!